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New Year, New Menstrual Cycle Moves

Updated: Feb 6

Welcome to 2024 Menstruators! According to Forbes, nearly a quarter of goal setters abandon their resolutions by the first week of January, and 43% quit by the end of the month. Let's not contribute to this statistic but rather work diligently and consistently towards positively impacting our wombs and menstrual cycle journey. Now that you all have had some time to settle in, you have another opportunity to improve your menstrual cycle journey. Let's ditch the cliché of developing new year's resolutions and will actually take the applicable steps to positively impact your menstrual cycle. Periods are normal and here at Kick Cramp's Ass, we will continue to advocate for painless menstrual cycles.

With 12 (or 13) periods ahead, we want to help you take back control of what has been hindering your wombs and focus on what is within your control. Your diet, the daily products that you apply, the household products that you use, and your physical activity contribute tremendously to how your period reacts. It is a new year therefore, you WILL make new menstrual cycle moves.


We are Coming in Hot Serving up the "Chai?"

Tea, gems or whatever you choose to call resources these days...Chai actually means "life" or "living" in Hebrew therefore, you are serving what will aid in transcending your life?! Events, resources and tips...why not?! Check out the resources and support in order to improve your menstrual cycle journey.

Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner 

Hormonal Imbalances and the Womb

Womb Manifestation 

Menstrual Cycle Goals for 2024 

Indulge in an Internal Shower 

Open Leg Pulses to Kick Cramp's Ass 

Soulful Yet Healthy Recipe 


Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner

In honor of Black History Month, we want to pay homage to the Black inventor who patent the first sanitary product in 1956.

Black inventor with first sanitary product patent
Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner

A multi-patent innovator, Mary Kenner, introduced the first sanitary product in an effort to accommodate women of all sizes. Invented in 1954 and patented in 1956, the adjustable sanitary belt was designed to keep menstrual pads in place, eliminate chafing and irritation normally caused by devices of this class and could be adjusted to fit women of different sizes (Cabrera and Jacobs, 2019). In addition to this empathetic and diverse creation, Kenner patent another sanitary belt but now with a moisture proof pocket. I bet you are questioning why is none of this information familiar if you are not aware of who Kenner is. The fact is her story has been covered up or dismissed as if she did not curate a staple in menstrual hygiene products. A company approached Kenner with a deal to invest in her idea; however, when the owners discovered that she was Black, their interest was loss and decided to not move forward as strategic partners. Due to never making any revenue from her much needed invention, unfortunately, the patent expired leaving it available to the public to be manufactured. Although she may have not received the accolades and success that she deserved for the first patent menstrual hygiene product, we want to send our respect and flowers to this ancestor for paving a way that produced comfort and stability for the menstrual cycle for menstruators of all sizes.

Other inventions that Mary Kenner created:

  1. A revised design for a toilet paper holder

  2. An attachment to a walker that served as a tray and pocket for disabled individuals

  3. A back washer that could mount to the tub or shower

  4. A game to discover your family history


Cabrera, C. E., & Jacobs, J. (2019, February 25). Seven Black Inventors Whose Patents Helped Shape American Life. New York Times, NA(L).


Hormonal Imbalances and the Womb

Contrary to what people may say, you have full control over your hormones.  It is all about practicing healthy habits that will aid in regulating and maintaining an adequate balance with your hormones.   You no longer have to experience extreme mood swings, feeling out of control with your emotions, and not being able to govern your mental, emotional, and physical states while on your period. Let's check out holistic approaches to managing your hormones!

Techniques to controlling your hormones:

  1. Consume a well-balance, whole food, nutritious diet. This includes eating leafy greens, colorful vegetables, seeded fruits, whole grains, complex carbohydrates, plant proteins, healthy fats, herbs, seeds, nuts, and water daily. Avoiding alcohol and drinks made from concentrate or contains high-corn fructose syrup and caffeine is ideal as these effect your hormones.

  2. Reduce stress! If it is not within your control, do not allow it to control your time, mind, or heart.

  3. Move your body EVERY single day. Not just walking around the house but consistent movement daily. At least five of these days, engage in a workout a minimum of 20 minutes to improve estrogen circulation and manage insulin resistance. Gradually work your way up to 30 minutes once you feel comfortable to do so.

  4. Sleep peacefully. Obtaining a minimum of 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep consistently to avoid hindering the growth hormone, which primarily works throughout the night.

  5. Detox the gut frequently. Cleansing your gut every season (once every 3 months) is essential to remove unwanted toxins that may fester and transition into unwanted bacteria and disease. Eliminating foods high in sugar, cholesterol, and that are processed is beneficial.


Womb Manifestation

Speak womb manifestations daily
Womb manifestation

"I am choosing to shift my mindset and acquire proven knowledge and methods to improve my menstrual cycle in 2024!" - Asé


Menstrual Cycle Goals for 2024

Have you sat and truly thought through what you would like to accomplish regarding positively impacting your menstrual cycle? Perhaps it is reducing period cramps or decreasing symptoms related to a uterine ailment like fibroids or endometriosis. Just like anything else that you really want to do in your life, treat your period with self-love and care that could aid in not making each month a dreadful experience.

Invest in your menstrual cycle journey in 2024
Set SMART menstrual goals

We encourage you to take 5-15 minutes to sit with yourself in silence and determine which factors from your menstrual cycle interfere with your peace, wellness, and wealth. Next, generate goals that are associated with what you wrote that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely (SMART). Then, develop an action plan that you can realistically execute, evaluating frequently, offering the opportunity to adjust, if needed. Revisit the goals that you have set providing you the option to celebrate your wins, monitor your progress, and reconnect with your womb as it is one of the most essential organs for those who menstruate. You can change your action plan at any time and we recommend to alter when applicable to discover your curated healing journey! We manifest a positive, productive, and peaceful menstrual journey ahead!

Here are some example goals that you may want to consider:

  1. Begin reading labels on all of your products including any food item, beverage, toiletries, menstrual hygiene products, or household products that you use.

    1. TIP: If an ingredient is not familiar to you, look it up and see if it may hinder your body.

  2. Exchange time spent on social media or watching TV and invest in improving your optimal wellness (mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual).

  3. Purchase 1 less online order, food/delivery service, or subscription each month and utilize the funds towards positive habits such as non-processed foods, all-natural menstrual hygiene products, or indulging in womb-friendly herbs.


Indulge in an Internal Shower

Beginning the day with an internal shower to aid in detoxing the body of toxins and impurities. Drinking one to two cups of room temperature spring water at the start of your day may have a positive impact. After a good night's rest, the body could use a simple and restorative technique to assist in your healing journey.

Begin the day with an internal shower
Internal shower

Benefits of implementing a daily internal shower:

  1. Rehydrates the body

  2. Supports mental performance

  3. Strengthens immune system

  4. Regulates gut activity

  5. Detoxifies the body

  6. Enhances mood and energy levels

  7. Improves metabolism

  8. Purifies skin

  9. Maintains bodily functions, especially urinary tract, kidneys, joints, and cardiovascular system

  10. Manages digestion and absorption


Open Leg Pulses to Kick Cramp's Ass

Daily movement at least 30 minutes daily is vital for achieving optimal wellness. Whether walking, swimming, cycling or playing a sport, developing a fitness routine will increase mobility and aid in improving life longevity. When related to womb wellness, we have found exercise moves, yoga poses and pilates positions that positively impacts womb health.

On our YouTube channel, we feature various playlists that display Exercises Moves and Yoga Poses to get rid of menstrual cramps. Take less than 30 seconds to review the resoures that we release every #WellnessWednesday / #WombWednesday and #FlowFriday to enhance your menstrual cycle journey.


Soulful Yet Healthy Recipe

Black History Month makes us want to eat some of our parents or grandmother's cooking. Growing up in Texas with my ancestors from Louisiana and Mississippi, we crave southern and Cajun cooking frequently. To still be able to satisfy these food cravings, we cook our favorite dishes; however, substitute unhealthy ingredients for whole, nutritious food items . Let's get into this soulful yet healthy recipe!

A soulful yet healthy recipe
Spicy Fried "Chicken"

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