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Getting Your Mental and Menstruation Together

Happy May Menstruators! May is Menstruation Month, Mental Health Awareness Month, Women's Health Month, and May 28th is Menstrual Hygiene Day. All month long, we will provide menstrual hygiene giveaways, valuable resources and tools imperative to achieve optimal wellness. It is also Military Appreciation Month; therefore, we have news programs to honor those who serve through personalized products and services that offer knowledge, education, and support to prevent and eliminate issues in the womb. Periods are normal; however, they do not have to be painful or dreadful.

Let's take back control of our health with shifting our mindset and adopting positive wellness habits. This includes improving your nutrition practices, incorporating more physical activity, staying hydrated, and excluding invaluable factors that negatively impact you. With some spring cleaning ahead, detoxing the mind, body, and soul are essential as we conquer this season.


We are Coming in Hot Serving up the "Chai?"

Tea, gems or whatever you choose to call resources these days...Chai actually means "life" or "living" in Hebrew therefore, you are serving what will aid in transcending your life?! Events, resources and tips...why not?! Check out the resources and support in order to improve your menstrual cycle journey.

Menstruation Month Giveaways 

How Your Mental Health Impacts Your Period

Womb Manifestation 

Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024 

Podcast Line Up for May

Milspouse Enterprise Certification 

Womb Terminology 

Lavender Lemonade Smoothie 


Menstruation Month Giveaways

Why not giveaway menstrual hygiene products and services during Menstruation Month?! . Each week, we will give away one product to influence the usage of all natural and organic products in an effort to combat period poverty and acquire menstrual equity. For each individual who participates throughout the month will be eligible for the grand prize of a 3-month Menstrual Therapy package valued at $1,425.00!

Giving away menstrual hygiene products all month long.
Menstruation Month Giveaway

To participate in the challenge, head over to our Instagram to participate as each week, you will have Sunday - Sunday to complete it. Winners will be announced each Monday. See you at the giveaway wheel! 🖤🩸


How Your Mental Health Impacts Your Period

Optimal wellness includes your physical health but also your emotional, spiritual, and mental health. When a menstruator is experiencing disruptions in their mental capabilities, this could have a negative impact on their menstrual cycle. Engaging in routine mental awareness activities that bring you peace is imperative and should aid in regulating imbalanced hormones and excrete harmful toxins that could be contributing to your mental wellness.


According to Jang and Elfenbien (2019), 26% greater risk of suicide deaths, 17% greater risk of suicide attempts, and 20% greater risk of psychiatric admissions at menstruation. Also, 13% greater risk of psychiatric admissions during the premenstrual phase.

Here are some tips to aid in managing your mental health:

🩸 Devote time to YOURSELF first when you wake up before you allow the world to enter into your space. and energy.

🩸 Integrate meditation for a minimum of 5 minutes daily to clear negative thoughts. Beginning the day with peace of mind should be a positive reinforcement and how to maneuver throughout the day.

🩸 Engage in sound therapy (ocean waves, animals in nature, or sound bowls) to recalibrate your frequency. Energy equates to frequency so vibrating at your highest level is critical when loving on yourself.

🩸 Journal your thoughts whether positive or negative to free your mind. Whether writing when you first get up to capture your dreams and thoughts or before you go to bed, releasing what does not serve you or manifesting your deepest desires begins with bringing what you think to life

🩸 Attempt to surrender screen time to devote to your self-love and care routine. If you were to check your screen time right now on your phone or tablet, does it show longer than 1 hour on social media or personal perusing? If so, aim to balance more time in factors that add value to your life versus consuming low-vibrational, toxic, or draining information.

🩸 Disconnect from chemical components that hinder your brain functionality to leave space for what matters most and not be deterred from your desired lifestyle.

🩸 Seek professional health through a counselor, therapist, or psychologist to develop an action plan to help you better manage your mental health in methods that works best for you.

Shifting your mindset and transitioning your lifestyle habits may be the factors preventing you back from having a peaceful and pain free period! 🖤


Jang, D., & Elfenbein, H. A. (2019). Menstrual cycle effects on mental health outcomes: A meta-analysis. Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research, 23(2), 312–332.


Womb Manifestation

We like to speak "I AM" power statements every day in an effort to set the tone of the day with positivity, productivity, and peace. Our mother use to drill in "your attitude determines your altitude" into us daily and we want to encourage you to do the same to speak power and life into yourself.

I: Inspiration

A: Affirmation

M: Manifestation

Speak womb manifestations daily
Womb Manifestation

“I am open to speaking more about my perspective regarding menstruation in an effort to stay connected with my fellow menstruators! - Asé”


Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024

Lack of education, ongoing taboos, and stigma cause poor menstrual hygiene. A lack of access to clean menstrual products and bad sanitation also contribute. These problems harm the education, health, and social status of menstruators worldwide. As a result, millions of women and girls face obstacles to their full potential. Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day) is a global campaign. It unites nonprofits, governments, individuals, businesses, and the media. The goal is to promote good menstrual health and hygiene (MHH).

Alcohol Awareness Month
Challenge yourself with not drinking alcohol

MH Day has two key aims. First, it breaks the taboo around menstrual health and hygiene. It raises awareness and shifts negative social norms around MHH. Second, it urges leaders to prioritize and act on MHH at global, national and local levels. May 28th was chosen to spread advocacy globally (to represent the 5 traditional days within the menstrual cycle and the 28 days of menstruation).

The 2024 theme and 10-year anniversary is together for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld, the stigma and taboos surrounding menstruation are history. It is a world where everyone can access the products, period education and period-friendly infrastructure they need. With one message, we are louder!

In 2014, Menstrual Hygiene Day started with just 155 partners and 89 pieces of media coverage. Since then, it has grown into a global movement for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. In 2023, more than 1,000 MH Day partner organizations, individuals, influencers and the media generated the biggest global conversation to date. Collectively, we reached more than 705 million people and pushed back taboos and stigma like never before.


Podcast Line Up for May

We began our Wellness Practitioner interviews beginning on Monday, April 29, 2024. Acquiring additional knowledge from all components of wellness is essential as we work towards using our inner power to heal ourselves mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Check out the line up and tune in to get your Menstruation Monday does of valuable resources, tools and tips.

Kick Cramp's Ass - The Podcast
Period Podcast

Interview List:

🩸 04/30: A Period-Friendly World: The Goal for Menstrual Hygiene Day with Ina Jurga from the Menstrual Hygiene Day organization

🩸 5/6: Embodying Your Menstrual Cycle with Vianey Blades with Embodied Cyclical Wellness

🩸 5/13: Menstrual Blood Art and Womb Manifestations with Whitney Jones from Sacred Womb Connections

🩸 5/20: Embracing Your Divine Femininity with Lezlie Mitchell Williams from Moounin

🩸 5/27: The Red Connection with USOA Mrs. Nevada 2024, Maria Lee

Did you peep how we are ending the month with the United States of America Mrs. Nevada 2024 and her campaign to advocate for menstrual equity and period poverty?! Be sure to tune in to each episode and let us know your thoughts through our listener's mail. Available on Spotify, YouTube, Apple Podcasts, and Amazon Music, this season will be offered in a video or audio format.


Milspouse Enterprise Certification

The Military Spouse Chamber is forging the path to national opportunities in public and private sectors for military spouse owned business. The Military Spouse Owned Enterprise Certification (MSEC) is the first and only certification of its kind allowing corporations to formally recognize and track supplier diversity spend with military spouse businesses and opens a new door for economic empowerment. To learn more about the certification, please visit

Catering to military affiliates
Military Spouse Owned Enterprise Certification

We are beyond thrilled for this certification allowing us the opportunity to implement specialized programs, products, and services for all branches of the military. And what better time to get certified than in Military Appreciation Month?! We look forward to catering more to this underrepresented group!


What is Amenorrhea?

Amenorrhea is the lack of a consistent monthly cycle. According to the Nawaz and Rogol (2023), roughly 1% of women are impacted by amenorrhea in the United States. Besides this occurring during pregnancy, this condition is most common in athletes or menstruators who have not received their periods by age 15. Usually, a menstrautor would need to have missed three consecutive menstrual cycles to be diagnosed with this condition.

Lack of a menstrual cycle

Common symptoms of amenorrhea include:

🩸 Lack of breast development

🩸 Dehydration

🩸 Headaches

🩸 Discharge from breasts

🩸 Excessive body hair

🩸 Vision issues

🩸 Hormonal imbalances

This is one of the uterine ailments outlined under the Womb Terminology section of our Resource Center. Feel free to discover more terms that you may be unaware of regarding menstrual health and seek assistance accordingly if you are experiencing any of the conditions.


Nawaz G, Rogol AD. Amenorrhea. [Updated 2023 Jun 12]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from:


Blueberry Lavender Lemonade Smoothie

Are you ready for a delectable, yet soothing easy recipe? Indulge in a smoothie that will be refreshing and nutritious. Try out our Blueberry Lavender Lemonade Smoothie and let us know your thoughts! 🖤

Simple and nutritious smoothie recipe
Blueberry Lavender Lemonade Smoothie

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