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Cramp Elixir

Herbal tea blend designed to reduce and eliminate menstrual cramps, PMS symptoms and other uterine health issues that are hindering your day-to-day progress. 


Our elixir may decrease inflammation, reduces stress/anxiety, regulates blood flow, balances mood and it can kick cramp's ass!  it includes:

  • Hibiscus: regulates menstruation, improves blood circulation, anti-inflammatory, regulates mood and other PMS symptoms

  • Red Raspberry Leaf: tightens pelvic muscles, reduces muscles spasms & regulates PMS symptoms

  • Calendula: eliminates bacterial vaginosis, decreases yeast infections, antioxidant, reduces discharge & bloating

  • MOTHERWORT: strengthens uterine muscles, decreases cramps, hormone regulator & encourages suppressed blood flow

  • Nettles: improves estrogen, regulates blood flow, mood regulator & packed with iron

  • Vervain: Stimulates gastrointestinal system, relieves inflammation, reduces constipation, regulates mood/hormones, enhances reproductive health

  • Ashwagandha: reduces cramps, regulates cycle & governs blood flow

  • Chaste Tree: also known as Vitex - boosts progesterone which regulates the estrogen, eliminates fibroids & improves endometriosis

  • Mugwort: stabilizes hormones, excretes stagnant blood & promotes heaLTHY PERIOD

  • Ginger: rectifies muscle spasms, pain relief & controls blood flow

  • Turmeric: governs mood, adjusts hormones & fights pms symptoms

  • Cinnamon: calms nausea, reduces inflammation & eliminates pain

  • ORANGE PEEL: lessens bloating, regulates pms symptoms & weakens spasms/cramps
  • Lemon PeeL: controls blood flow, reduces stress & governs cycle




1. Add 1 tablespoon to a tea infuser.

2. add boiling water in a cup or pot.

3. steep a minimum of 5-7 minutes

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